1 | 527 | 393 | tomlrb | A racc based toml parser |
2 | 29,117 | 63,432 | chart-candy | Chart Candy use D3.js library to quickly render AJAX charts in your Rails project. In a... |
3 | 31,270 | 63,432 | neat-pages | A simple pagination API to paginate Mongoid Models. |
4 | 50,896 | 63,432 | coffee-cup | Coffee Cup set the foundations of a Rails like structure for your all your CoffeeScript... |
5 | 53,378 | 63,432 | taxedo | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
6 | 55,820 | 63,432 | nn-core | Wraps the nanomsg networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign
function interface). I... |
7 | 64,311 | 63,432 | mongoid-sorted-relations | Preserve the order of the mongoid documents in a referenced one-to-many or many-to-many... |
8 | 65,766 | 63,432 | mongoid-genesis | Mongoid Genesis will give you the ability to override attribute values without losing t... |
9 | 66,885 | 63,432 | hash-tree | HashTree help you to work with nested hashes and arrays. |
10 | 74,470 | 63,432 | caisson | Caisson will provide a set of tools to facilitate the integration of Zurb-Foundation to... |
11 | 80,462 | 22,084 | rspec-compact-doc-formatter | Compact yet descriptive Rspec format. |
12 | 97,876 | 30,305 | rspec-aspic | Various tools for RSpec |
13 | 101,512 | 63,432 | errors-renderer | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
14 | 132,802 | 63,432 | neat-spreadsheet | Simplify the task of building a spreadsheet in Rails. This gem is based on the Spreadsh... |
15 | 145,132 | 63,432 | tool_pouch | These tools will help with strings, dates, files, security and webservices communication. |