Tompng's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1464108relineAlternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby.
2509111irbInteractive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop).
35,4582,645repl_type_completorType based completion for REPL.
415,3017,753rubocop-codetaktThis includes the RuboCop configuration used by codeTakt. It is for the unification...
515,6768,158katakata_irbIRB with Typed Completion
629,18432,433screenxtvSoftware for broadcasting your terminal to
747,81723,282ar_syncActiveRecord data synchronized with frontend DataStore
860,40228,396ar_serializerActiveRecord serializer, avoid N+1
962,32338,544top_n_loaderload top n records for each group
1096,16328,396penguin_queueC Ext Priority Queue (binary heap)
11117,83938,544no_sltdProvides a simple way to avoid stack level too deep for recursive functions
12140,85548,058unodosInfinite number sequence generator
13182,27548,058irb-theme-rk2024IRB color theme for 2024