1 | 464 | 108 | reline | Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby. |
2 | 509 | 111 | irb | Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop). |
3 | 5,458 | 2,645 | repl_type_completor | Type based completion for REPL. |
4 | 15,301 | 7,753 | rubocop-codetakt | This includes the RuboCop configuration used by codeTakt. It is
for the unification... |
5 | 15,676 | 8,158 | katakata_irb | IRB with Typed Completion |
6 | 29,184 | 32,433 | screenxtv | Software for broadcasting your terminal to http://screenx.tv/ |
7 | 47,817 | 23,282 | ar_sync | ActiveRecord data synchronized with frontend DataStore |
8 | 60,402 | 28,396 | ar_serializer | ActiveRecord serializer, avoid N+1 |
9 | 62,323 | 38,544 | top_n_loader | load top n records for each group |
10 | 96,163 | 28,396 | penguin_queue | C Ext Priority Queue (binary heap) |
11 | 117,839 | 38,544 | no_sltd | Provides a simple way to avoid stack level too deep for recursive functions |
12 | 140,855 | 48,058 | unodos | Infinite number sequence generator |
13 | 182,275 | 48,058 | irb-theme-rk2024 | IRB color theme for 2024 |