Locochris's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,9048,397diff_matcherDiffMatcher matches input data (eg. from a JSON API) against values, ranges, classes, r...
234,08147,329db_backupsCLI for Rackspace Cloud File MySQL backups
350,56674,510global_phone_locomoteThis is a fork of the wonderful sstepenson/global_phone it only exists because our comp...
454,11147,329chef-formatter-elapsed_timeElapsed time chef formatter
598,07574,510dm-regexDataMapper plugin enabling models to be created from matching a regex
6104,78174,510rddRDD - Readme Driven Development - runs examples found in README files
7120,39947,329peek-env_varsTake a peek into the ENV vars of your Rails application.