Michenriksen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,0768,458normailizeNormalize emails like [email protected] into [email protected]
215,06133,893aquatoneA tool for domain flyovers.
328,82733,893gitrobReconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
478,01629,456hibpA simple tool to check a bunch of email addresses against the Have I Been Pwned? API.
581,11761,367easywinsProbe a web server for common files and endpoints that are useful for gathering informa...
688,03941,086birdwatcherData analysis and OSINT framework for Twitter
7105,51761,367searchpassA simple tool for offline searching of default credentials for network devices, web app...
8135,91861,367wikirangerGather information on Wiki contributions from IP ranges
9137,43841,086nmunchNmunch is a passive network discovery tool that finds live network nodes by analyzing A...