Honeyryderchuck's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5221,628http-2Pure-ruby HTTP 2.0 protocol implementation
23,3262,191httpxA client library for making HTTP requests from Ruby.
33,9352,787http-2-nextPure-ruby HTTP 2.0 protocol implementation
47,7827,035netsnmpWraps the net-snmp core usage into idiomatic ruby. It is designed to support as man...
519,83313,186rodauth-oauthImplementation of the OAuth 2.0 protocol on top of rodauth.
645,61310,998toboxTransactional outbox pattern implementation in ruby
755,58837,474idnxConverts International Domain Names into Punycode. It uses (via FFI) 'libidn2' for ...
858,24997,623association_observersThis is an alternative implementation of the observer pattern. As you may know, Ruby (a...
960,71432,329rodauth-select-accountMultiple authenticated accounts per session in rodauth.
1061,5589,698celPure Ruby implementation of Google Common Expression Language, https://opensource.googl...
11173,24974,886roda-oauthImplementation of the OAuth 2.0 protocol on top of rodauth.
12183,74759,805wolflowA workflow engine in ruby.