David_mccullars's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,1309,428safe_timeoutA safer alternative to Ruby's Timeout that uses unix processes instead of threads.
217,27559,086open3_backportBackport of new Open3 methods from Ruby 1.9 to Ruby 1.8
329,63318,388text_rankImplementation of TextRank solution to ranked keyword extraction. See https://web.eecs...
436,14859,086activerecord-where-any-ofA simple mixin to ActiveRecord::Base that allows use of OR arel relations.
562,79359,086scim2-filterRFC7644 SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) 2.0 filter parser. See https...
664,95359,086needs_resourcesRuby gem to provide lightweight inversion of control type resources for an application
768,65459,086aws-sdk-elb-taggingProvides SDK support for AWS ELB tagging.
878,70559,086splittaImplementation of Splitta in Ruby. See https://code.google.com/archive/p/splitta/
980,44659,086context_builderThis gem provides a way of extending modules with context attributes.
1083,52459,086nexus_artifactSimple Ruby gem to download/publish arbitrary binary file from/to Nexus server
11109,58859,086rails-cached-routesCache expensive rails routes files to speed up rails stack
12132,13059,086dijkstra_fastNative implementation of Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path between two v...