Tamouse__'s Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,39886,038scrapersA library of web site scrapers utilizing mechanize and other goodies. Helpful in gather...
235,47718,833jekyllpressThor utility to do neat jekyll stuff.
337,03142,025rsyncbackupYet another rsyncbackup script, this time in ruby
449,67086,038rds-s3-backup"Thor script and libraries to backup an AWS RDS snapshot to AWS S3, and create an obfus...
567,92353,556emacs_org_protocol_serverSimple Sinatra server to call org-protocol with emacsclient
670,97986,038snapshot_reloadTake the obfuscated production data from it's nightly backup and place it into a workin...
771,51986,038new_backupBackup an RDS database instance to S3, and create and obfuscated version
879,85586,038ddate-reduxreimplement the ddate unix command, in ruby
979,93886,038RunItA simple class to wrap Open3#popen3
1082,39786,038elapsed_watchReading a file of events, containing an event name (a string) and a date-time string (y...
1194,76086,038stupid-simple-monitA stupid, dead-simple, process monitor.
12106,63986,038wp_conversionConvert a Wordpress XML backup into markdown files suitable for a jekyll site
13109,25086,038quasar_rest_clientWraps the Quasar RESTful API in a client library.
14110,90542,025make_galleryCreate a set of images for a blog gallery.
16124,15253,556simplemailerA simple mailing script so I don't have to install a bunch of packages I don't need.
17135,29786,038clean_filenamesGive file name paths clean names
18137,14286,038stopwatch_formatterThe standard RSpec documentation formatter does not display the amount of time each tes...
19140,22486,038fix_iphone_picture_orientationConvert iPhone images to have a useful Orientation tag value and be internally correctl...
20143,54953,556i_know_rightBorne of a savage and wild irc conversation, sound and fury, signifying nothing
21174,14153,556jekyll_reveal_generatorGenerate a slide presentation that uses Jekyll and Reveal.js