Istana's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
143,3537,483capistrano-nvm202xnvm integration for Capistrano
248,48920,275paranoid_starlightThis gem is pack of methods to convert or validate different formats of strings and...
381,12461,367dotted_hashRecursive OpenStruct-like or Hash-like object. Based on Tire::Result::Item with additio...
491,34961,367starlight_helpersHelper modules for building websites. Relax and use often used methods in flash, conten...
5104,35961,367rack-request-object-loggerThe project is a Rack middleware to automatically log a HTTP request to a custom object.
6178,01161,367bogofilterA simple library written in Ruby language to detect spam built around bogofilter execut...