Sfcgeorge's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,47323,402named_returnNamed return paths using `throw` and DSL around catch
225,63561,367yard-contractsThis YARD plugin uses Contracts and method signatures, merged with your optional do...
332,98261,367vector_saladA tool aiming to intuitively enable designers with basic programming experience such ...
452,29261,367ruby_clipperBuilds a native ruby extension for Clipper
553,46761,367fancy_to_procHave you ever wished Symbol#to_proc was chainable and took arguments? Now it does.
678,19361,367emoticon_fontifyAdd emoticon font to assets and convert text to unicode symbols.
785,35361,367sniffuxUse user-agent string to reason about UX expectations. E.g. Should the Cancel button in...
897,98261,367spiroBundle the C library.
9109,78433,893minitest-blink1_reporterLights up your Blink(1) red / orange / green when tests pass / skip / fail, and purple ...
10115,99561,367fresh_vector_saladLive reloads images generated by Vector Salad