1 | 253 | 163 | dry-core | A toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem |
2 | 281 | 190 | dry-logic | Predicate logic with rule composition |
3 | 282 | 192 | dry-types | Type system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ... |
4 | 297 | 385 | dry-configurable | A mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes |
5 | 370 | 754 | dry-container | A simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby |
6 | 610 | 1,575 | dry-equalizer | Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods |
7 | 623 | 567 | dry-validation | Validation library |
8 | 634 | 392 | dry-initializer | DSL for declaring params and options of the initializer |
9 | 1,458 | 1,084 | dry-monads | Common monads for Ruby |
10 | 1,573 | 479 | dry-cli | Common framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby |
11 | 1,627 | 1,590 | dry-auto_inject | Container-agnostic automatic constructor injection |
12 | 2,222 | 1,854 | dry-matcher | Flexible, expressive pattern matching for Ruby |
13 | 2,518 | 2,594 | dry-monitor | Monitoring and instrumentation APIs |
14 | 2,926 | 2,095 | dry-transaction | Business Transaction Flow DSL |
15 | 3,373 | 961 | hanami-utils | Hanami utilities |
16 | 3,652 | 3,179 | dry-system | Organize your code into reusable components |
17 | 4,842 | 4,747 | hanami-router | Rack compatible HTTP router for Ruby |
18 | 4,989 | 969 | hanami-cli | Hanami command line |
19 | 5,135 | 5,182 | hanami-validations | Validations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami |
20 | 5,522 | 5,581 | hanami-controller | Complete, fast and testable actions for Rack |
21 | 5,823 | 5,828 | hanami | Hanami is a web framework for Ruby |
22 | 5,919 | 5,235 | dry-effects | Algebraic effects |
23 | 6,404 | 6,622 | hanami-view | A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ... |
24 | 6,755 | 7,061 | hanami-assets | Assets management for Ruby web applications |
25 | 6,841 | 7,574 | hanami-helpers | View helpers for Ruby applications |
26 | 6,906 | 7,574 | hanami-mailer | Mail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers |
27 | 7,635 | 9,967 | hanami-model | A persistence framework with entities and repositories |
28 | 12,417 | 38,022 | dry-component | Organize your code into reusable components |
29 | 12,902 | 10,328 | hanami-webconsole | Hanami webconsole for development |
30 | 12,978 | 20,426 | dry-web-roda | Roda integration for dry-web apps |
31 | 13,146 | 17,743 | dry-view | A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ... |
32 | 13,274 | 11,382 | roda-flow | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
33 | 14,465 | 38,022 | dry-web | Lightweight web application stack on top of dry-system |
34 | 15,635 | 9,785 | hanami-reloader | Code reloading for Hanami |
35 | 16,167 | 8,719 | hanami-rspec | Hanami RSpec generators and Rake tasks |
36 | 19,285 | 55,921 | dry-system-rails | Railtie for dry-system |
37 | 24,297 | 30,023 | hanami-api | Extremely fast and lightweight HTTP API |
38 | 25,776 | 18,034 | formalist | Flexible form builder |
39 | 58,800 | 139,268 | notgun | Reloading Rack development server (Shotgun fork with Rack 2.0+ support) |
40 | 60,622 | 60,752 | call_sheet | Business Transaction Flow DSL |
41 | 68,916 | 9,855 | dry-operation | A domain specific language for composable business transaction workflows. |
42 | 72,225 | 77,363 | cacofonix | ONIX support for Ruby applications |
43 | 78,763 | 107,759 | dry-result_matcher | Expressive, all-in-one match API for Kleisli Either monads |
44 | 82,210 | 69,337 | snowpack | Lightweight application framework for Icelab |
45 | 86,505 | 69,337 | hanami-ujs | Hanami Unobtrusive JavaScript |
46 | 90,871 | 107,759 | dry-pipeline | Pipeline operator for callable objects |
47 | 98,358 | 139,268 | cacofonix-dtds | XML catalog for locally accessible ONIX 2.0 and 2.1 DTDs |
48 | 111,526 | 107,759 | either_result_matcher | Expressive, all-in-one match API for Kleisli Either monads |
49 | 126,267 | 107,759 | saucerly | PDF rending plugin for Rails using FlyingSaucer. |
50 | 145,689 | 139,268 | intercity_express | A collection of helpful utilities for Rails projects. |
51 | 159,203 | 17,508 | hanami-db | The database layer for Hanami apps |
52 | 162,437 | 139,268 | hanami-auth | Authentication for Hanami |
53 | 165,914 | 139,268 | hanami-webpack | Manage Hanami assets with Webpack |