Timriley's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1260203dry-coreA toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem
2294228dry-logicPredicate logic with rule composition
3295225dry-typesType system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ...
4303522dry-configurableA mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes
5345844dry-containerA simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby
65591,250dry-equalizerModule to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods
7629742dry-validationValidation library
8669660dry-initializerDSL for declaring params and options of the initializer
91,4741,247dry-monadsCommon monads for Ruby
101,5981,610dry-auto_injectContainer-agnostic automatic constructor injection
111,793651dry-cliCommon framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby
122,2202,028dry-matcherFlexible, expressive pattern matching for Ruby
132,4612,736dry-monitorMonitoring and instrumentation APIs
142,9202,559dry-transactionBusiness Transaction Flow DSL
153,5463,997hanami-utilsHanami utilities
163,6852,990dry-systemOrganize your code into reusable components
174,8654,618hanami-routerRack compatible HTTP router for Ruby
185,1094,799hanami-validationsValidations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami
195,5134,589hanami-controllerComplete, fast and testable actions for Rack
205,7985,550hanamiHanami is a web framework for Ruby
215,9735,046dry-effectsAlgebraic effects
226,1166,527hanami-cliHanami command line
236,3696,691hanami-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
246,6896,815hanami-assetsAssets management for Ruby web applications
256,7347,005hanami-helpersView helpers for Ruby applications
266,7956,978hanami-mailerMail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers
277,40010,091hanami-modelA persistence framework with entities and repositories
2812,03214,915dry-componentOrganize your code into reusable components
2912,62913,455dry-web-rodaRoda integration for dry-web apps
3012,81416,033dry-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
3113,00012,619roda-flowThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
3213,06210,722hanami-webconsoleHanami webconsole for development
3314,09913,321dry-webLightweight web application stack on top of dry-system
3417,1579,963hanami-reloaderCode reloading for Hanami
3517,7698,067hanami-rspecHanami RSpec generators and Rake tasks
3618,68140,310dry-system-railsRailtie for dry-system
3724,52314,915hanami-apiExtremely fast and lightweight HTTP API
3826,59614,540formalistFlexible form builder
3957,58240,310notgunReloading Rack development server (Shotgun fork with Rack 2.0+ support)
4060,21740,310call_sheetBusiness Transaction Flow DSL
4174,34540,310cacofonixONIX support for Ruby applications
4277,76214,540dry-result_matcherExpressive, all-in-one match API for Kleisli Either monads
4381,90940,310snowpackLightweight application framework for Icelab
4486,43140,310hanami-ujsHanami Unobtrusive JavaScript
4590,09540,310dry-pipelinePipeline operator for callable objects
46101,74740,310cacofonix-dtdsXML catalog for locally accessible ONIX 2.0 and 2.1 DTDs
47111,00127,598either_result_matcherExpressive, all-in-one match API for Kleisli Either monads
48125,24627,598saucerlyPDF rending plugin for Rails using FlyingSaucer.
49145,13840,310intercity_expressA collection of helpful utilities for Rails projects.
50161,67540,310hanami-authAuthentication for Hanami
51165,17940,310hanami-webpackManage Hanami assets with Webpack
52181,50020,314hanami-dbThe database layer for Hanami apps