Picandocodigo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1212278elasticsearch-apiRuby API for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
2213279elasticsearchRuby integrations for Elasticsearch (client, API, etc.)
3253329elasticsearch-transportRuby client for Elasticsearch. See the `elasticsearch` gem for full integration.
4713607elasticsearch-modelActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.
5781655elasticsearch-railsRuby on Rails integrations for Elasticsearch.
61,3171,313elastic-transportLow level Ruby client for Elastic. See the `elasticsearch` or `elastic-enterprise-searc...
71,7091,863elasticsearch-dslA Ruby DSL builder for Elasticsearch
81,9452,858elasticsearch-extensionsExtensions for the Elasticsearch Rubygem
92,1392,331elasticsearch-persistencePersistence layer for Ruby models and Elasticsearch.
103,5441,681elasticsearch-xpackRuby integrations for the X-Pack extensions for Elasticsearch
114,1284,455elastic-app-searchAPI client for accessing the Elastic App Search API with no dependencies.
124,3224,280elastic-enterprise-searchOfficial API client for Elastic Enterprise Search APIs.
134,5614,539elastic-workplace-searchAPI client for accessing the Elastic Workplace Search API with no dependencies.
1419,05318,641administrate-field-paperclipIntegrates Paperclip as a field for Administrate in Rails apps
1530,69119,707ci_uyA gem to validate Uruguayan Identity Documents (Cedula de Identidad Uruguaya)
1631,18430,793ghpreviewCommand line utility for previewing Markdown files with Github styling
1757,74078,154thegamesdbRuby Client for TheGamesDB API (thegamesdb.net). See README.md for usage
1862,2079,247elasticsearch-test-runnerA test runner for the Elasticsearch clients YAML test suite, used in the elasticsearch ...
1976,76357,499gibilShow a notification of your computer's temperature. It can be programmed as a cronjob, ...
2098,01778,154ricojsonUses Ruby's JSON to parse and format json files, includes an option to open them in the...
21110,82978,154volumerbGem to manage the computer's volume
22116,56478,154howlongA simple gem which allows you to see how long a process has been running on your system...
23131,91357,499excelsiorooA gem to export spreadsheet files data into JSON
24170,77927,573elasticsearch-serverlessElasticsearch Serverless Client
25179,13278,154mullvadrbA Terminal User Interface to use with Mullvad VPN