Hakunin's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,2118,230bootswatch-railsBootswatches converted to SCSS ready to use in Rails asset pipeline.
210,87129,456skeptickThin ImageMagick DSL with smart command composition
332,88525,716checkout_ruRuby client for checkout.ru.
438,75061,367blogueIf it wasn't in BLOGUE, it wasn't in blogue.
541,2117,521jira_adfSimple builder for making Atlassian Document Format (ADF) look neat in Ruby.
649,38417,333portrayalInspired by dry-initializer and virtus, portrayal is a minimalist gem that takes a some...
752,90761,367has_priceA convenient DSL for defining complex price reader/serializer in a class and organizing...
860,39625,716off_githubA simple tool which helps migrate your locally installed gems from github to gemcutter....
963,28261,367authoraiseAuthorize without false negatives.
1068,49661,367kwstructStruct with keyword arguments support
1181,79361,367kitchen-sshgzipSpeeds up test-kitchen scp uploads by gzipping directories
1283,56833,893sexy_pg_constraintsUse migrations and simple syntax to manage constraints in PostgreSQL DB.
13108,38261,367wordmapWordmap is a simple way to lookup data directly from disk, bypassing RAM. It uses pread...
14114,05361,367hamlifyHTML to HAML conversion tool which wraps around standard html2haml and fixes issues wit...
15114,30841,086menu_txtBuild url menu trees in plain text with simple syntax.
16121,92761,367wpxml_parserConvenient parser that provides a clean way to interact with wordpress's XML dump file ...
17122,59361,367lighthouse_cliA quick command line interface to lighthouse. The goal is to reduce overhead of trackin...
18126,57561,367soggerSimple tool that growls new questions from Stack Overflow. Supports filtering by tags.
19127,45661,367redis_collectionSync an iterable ruby object with a redis namespace.
20133,00761,367railslogProvides a convenient API for accessing Rails CHANGELOG files.
21141,20861,367ternary_typesProvides ternary singletons True, False, and Maybe with ==,!,&,|,^ operators implemente...
22158,23561,367enum_utilsFunctions for mixing and matching lazy, potentially infinite enumerables.
23161,50461,367transformable_listGiven 2 lists this gem would show steps necessary to convert one to another.
24181,75633,893loadoutA few helpers to make vanilla Rails configuration neater.