1 | 32,994 | 80,049 | houcho | covering to run serverspec |
2 | 34,339 | 80,049 | fluent-plugin-graphite | fluentd output plugin to send metrics to graphite |
3 | 68,459 | 61,626 | fluent-plugin-mysqlslowquerylog | Fluentd plugin to concat MySQL slowquerylog. |
4 | 70,077 | 61,626 | fluent-plugin-nata2 | fluent-plugin to post slow query logs to Nata2 server |
5 | 87,009 | 80,049 | mysql-slowquery-parser | MySQL slow query log parser |
6 | 138,375 | 80,049 | fluent-plugin-openldap-monitor | fluentd input plugin to get openldap monitor |
7 | 146,073 | 80,049 | ikachan-client | post message to irc http gateway `ikachan` (see: https://metacpan.org/module/ikachan) |
8 | 153,296 | 80,049 | mycnf | parser of my.cnf |