Jeanmertz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,14361,367cucumber-blendle-stepsCucumber steps used by all of Blendle Ruby projects
223,16741,086excon-hypermediaExcon, with Hypermedia traversing baked in.
325,13719,101object-cacheEasily cache objects in Ruby, using a Redis store backend
425,92333,893excon-addressableExcon, with Addressable baked in.
530,36661,367rash-shellWrite a longer description or delete this line.
642,99261,367eipiaiOpinionated JSON-API stack to get the job done.
764,98841,086zendInteract with Zendesk through your terminal.
879,24523,402zooming-proxyUsing this Rack middleware Gem, you can zoom requests.
9136,98561,367chef-sugar-dipAn extension to the awesome "chef-sugar" gem produced by Seth Vargo.
10164,70261,367capricaExtend your Capistrano tasks with frakkin' awesomeness.