Jfirebaugh's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3471,880fakefsA fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.
23,5679,631ruby-debugA generic command line interface for ruby-debug.
34,99813,413konachaKonacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...
45,82119,344capybara-firebugProvides a dead-simple way to run scenarios with Firebug enabled under the selenium dri...
57,4527,940skimFat-free client-side templates with Slim and CoffeeScript
649,11551,783bermudaProvides cucumber step definitions for testing jQuery UI widget interactions with capybara
751,49274,484date-input-railsRails support for with a jQuery UI datepicker polyfill
988,14774,484sprockets_html_templateAdds Sprockets support for static templates with the extension .jst.html
10129,24742,524matchaUnit test your Rails JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library