Wilkerlucio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,96015,400mongoid_taggableMongoid Taggable provides some helpers to create taggable documents.
241,27363,432subdbAPI for SubDB
347,30263,432aidmockAidmock, safe mocking and interfacing for Ruby
470,68963,432jcheck_railsGenerate jCheck code according to ActiveModel validations
592,08763,432feed_cacheA thin wrapper over Feedzirra with injected caching
6119,92063,432gmaps_v3API to simple do requests on Google Maps API V3
7120,51363,432fresh_simplehttpsimple_http: Simple Http client lib. Use to do http requests without noise.
8121,85163,432kajabi-css_parserA set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby.
9127,27163,432guard-js-static-requireThis guard watches for new/removed javascript files and automatic inject the script tag...
10131,22663,432staticfyThis gem provides a simple tool to make a full online website into a static one. This c...