Mjacobus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,31913,220recruiterRecruiter is a Rails Engine for adding job posting functionality to a Rails APP. U...
231,45216,048gossiperEases the creation of email messages as well as user notification systems
333,25919,389koine-attributesStronger getter and setters for your ruby classes
436,19860,424object_comparatorComparison of objects for tests
543,89438,031mj-suspendersMJ-Suspenders is a base Rails project used by the author of this gem.
644,43152,733cepAPI for getting address of a given CEP or ADDRESS
754,76570,697koine-rest_clientAnother http client - with support to async calls
856,11338,031koine-test_runnerEasy test runner
969,84870,697makupMakup for Draper decorator. Localize numbers, dates and times. Provides a way for o...
1074,204105,358breadcrumbBreadcrumb Helper
1176,94484,840carrascoCommand executor
1281,98322,267mjA collection of useful commands for my personal use
1382,83860,424koine-repositoryRepository patter for ruby
1485,30784,840sgnWebservice para o sistema imobiliário http://www.sgn.com.br
1587,10860,424koine-db_bkpDatabase backup for rails
1689,56370,697koine-event_managerEvent Manager for ruby
1791,51460,424koine-csvCsv parsing classes
1892,39070,697nurse-rbNurse, for your dependency injection. Dependency injection container
19106,672105,358dataset_explorerExplore and maps fields from a dataset - I.E. Api response
20108,003105,358very_simple_menuMenu Helper
21111,285105,358dotfiledHelpers for your dotfiles
22115,718136,377koine-diKoine DI, for your dependency injection. Dependency injection container
23116,847136,377vattributesCreate virtual attributes for active record. Uses serialization
24125,78684,840watir-hanamiUse Watir (http://github.com/watir/watir) in Hanami.
25138,06784,840koine-profilerA simple profiler for profiling tests, for instance
26138,992136,377locked_processTrhead process that only executes if no other thread with the same lock file is running
27141,819136,377wrakeRuns rake without having to load the entire rais app
28143,792136,377vistasoftIntegration with Vista SOAP web service
29144,310136,377semistaticSimple embeded page creator. Should I be called CMS? Not sure.
30150,145105,358koine-appgeneratorkoine-appgenerator is a custom rails app generator
31151,574136,377koine-command_busCommand bus for ruby
32154,648105,358koine-filesystemFile System abstraction
33156,214105,358page_downloaderDownloads a page from the internet. External js and css are embeded in the page by default
34158,164136,377watir-rackUse Watir (http://github.com/watir/watir) in Rack.
35159,374136,377cnesCliente HTTP do Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde
36159,410105,358koine-google_maps_clientGoogle maps client
37168,768136,377koine-sql_builderSQL builder for writing SQL queries
38172,205136,377koine-filesystem-adapters-sftpFile System abstraction
39172,259136,377koine-file_systemFile System abstraction
40174,049168,370trabalho_remotoUtilitários para calcular para trabalho remoto
41174,605136,377jekyll-bible_referencesA plugin for Jekyll to generate Bible references
42179,488136,377interactor-strictExtends the interactor gem
43180,09684,840mj-hash_utilsHash utils