1 | 68,111 | 74,510 | ruby.py | Ruby wrapper for Python modules using the PyCall gem. |
2 | 70,601 | 74,510 | dccscr | Convert DoD DCCSCR vulnerability greylists to a GitLab vulnerability allowlist. |
3 | 91,743 | 74,510 | tensorflow.py | Ruby (PyCall/RubyPy) wrapper for the TensorFlow API. |
4 | 97,087 | 74,510 | trace_eval | Evaluates the Ruby expression(s) in string and prints each executing line. |
5 | 101,557 | 74,510 | sxmrb | Ruby library for SXMO user scripts. |
6 | 102,438 | 30,170 | mnc | display my next cron job |
7 | 103,628 | 74,510 | circule | Generate an icon of overlapping circles derived from a hash. |
8 | 112,508 | 74,510 | cv2.py | Ruby (PyCall/RubyPy) wrapper for the OpenCV API. |
9 | 127,580 | 74,510 | finna_be_ninja | Cheap hack to bundle RHEL5 binaries for tesseract-ocr |
10 | 145,188 | 74,510 | zig_example | An example gem for ruby with native zig extensions (relies on gem-ext-zig_builder). |
11 | 157,176 | 74,510 | bundler-commentate | Bundler plugin to add gem summaries to a Gemfile |
12 | 157,749 | 21,040 | gem-ext-zig_builder | Gem extension builder for zig |