1 | 65,226 | 47,329 | the_moderator | Moderate fields of a model or its associations |
2 | 87,821 | 74,510 | really_simple_captcha | Simple gem to add captcha or negative captcha to your Rails 3 application |
3 | 124,749 | 74,510 | capistrano-send | This gem provides some notifiers to send notifications after a deploy with Capistrano. |
4 | 133,771 | 47,329 | project_honeypot | Project-Honeypot provides a programatic interface to the Project Honeypot services. It ... |
5 | 135,423 | 74,510 | jorgchart-rails | jOrgChart for Rails 3 asset pipeline |
6 | 136,313 | 47,329 | project_honeypot_rails | project_honeypot_rails provides integration between project_honeypot and rails 3
to... |
7 | 143,327 | 30,170 | pdf-reader-find_text | PDF::Reader extension to find text in PDF and get the page and position |
8 | 145,556 | 74,510 | flop | Activate and deactivate features easily |
9 | 176,083 | 74,510 | validates_associated_with_context | Adds validates_associated_with_context to models to validate associated models with val... |
10 | 178,811 | 74,510 | fourmi-prawn-utils | Some methods to simplify PDF creation with Prawn |