Gdott9's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
165,38389,538the_moderatorModerate fields of a model or its associations
287,03389,538really_simple_captchaSimple gem to add captcha or negative captcha to your Rails 3 application
3123,44158,808capistrano-sendThis gem provides some notifiers to send notifications after a deploy with Capistrano.
4132,27389,538project_honeypotProject-Honeypot provides a programatic interface to the Project Honeypot services. It ...
5134,03989,538jorgchart-railsjOrgChart for Rails 3 asset pipeline
6134,85889,538project_honeypot_railsproject_honeypot_rails provides integration between project_honeypot and rails 3 to...
7144,19889,538flopActivate and deactivate features easily
8149,88889,538pdf-reader-find_textPDF::Reader extension to find text in PDF and get the page and position
9175,43140,337validates_associated_with_contextAdds validates_associated_with_context to models to validate associated models with val...
10177,47489,538fourmi-prawn-utilsSome methods to simplify PDF creation with Prawn