Hannan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,05863,432exlibris-primoLibrary to work with Exlibris' Primo discovery system. Does not require Rails.
217,57563,432exlibris-alephLibrary to handle Exlibris' Aleph ILS.
320,43363,432acts_as_citableUses Citero to translate a model from one format to another.
423,55914,438figsSimple app configuration using ENV and YAML files
525,04163,432ex_citeLeverages citero-jruby gem and acts_as_citable to deliver a download and push mechanism.
625,99963,432citero-jrubyLeverages a Maven and a custom JAR and wraps it with JRuby
757,76963,432omniauth-alephAleph Patron Login Strategy for OmniAuth
881,08863,432citeroTool to translate between bibliographic formats.
982,10963,432citero-renderersRails renderers and mime types for acts_as_citable gem.
10103,80363,432citero_engineLeverages citero-jruby gem and acts_as_citable to deliver a download and push mechanism.
11144,25563,432citero_renderersRenders citero objects for Rails applications.