1 | 22,874 | 38,694 | correios_sigep | An integration with Correios SIGEP WEB system (http://www.correios.com.br/para-sua-empr... |
2 | 32,314 | 74,510 | uniara_virtual_parser | A Gem to parse the Uniara Virtual system |
3 | 34,429 | 18,539 | postmon_ruby | A rubygem to access the Postmon API |
4 | 44,889 | 74,510 | cognitive_vision | Client to integrate with Microsoft Cognitive - Computer Vision API |
5 | 116,903 | 74,510 | uniara_virtual_cli | CLI to access your Uniara Virtual grades from your terminal |
6 | 135,174 | 38,694 | pry-wait_for_it | Do not want to block all calls to pry and only debug in a specific block? wait for it.. |
7 | 154,774 | 74,510 | sneakers_custom_bunny | Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ |