1 | 7,266 | 23,626 | dejunk | Detect keyboard mashing and other junk in your data. |
2 | 7,405 | 16,697 | incrdecr_cached_counts | A replacement for Rails' counter caches using memcached increment & decrement operation... |
3 | 7,616 | 24,968 | redis_locks | Various locking utilities for Ruby using Redis, including a mutex, a semaphore, and a t... |
4 | 15,854 | 86,038 | what | What uses WEBrick to serve a JSON object representing the state of services
running on ... |
5 | 20,540 | 86,038 | bunch | Directory-structure-based asset bundling. |
6 | 23,677 | 42,025 | biblicit | Extract citations from PDFs. |
7 | 36,759 | 21,532 | liszt | Liszt is an alternative to acts_as_list and sortable that uses atomic Redis operations ... |
8 | 66,497 | 17,070 | humanname | A library for parsing and comparing human names. Wraps the Rust crate `human_name`. |
9 | 79,444 | 86,038 | excite | Parse citations |
10 | 130,628 | 86,038 | ruby-jade | Ruby wrapper for the Jade templating language |