Homonecloco's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,37951,220bio-samtoolsBinder of samtools for ruby, on the top of FFI. This project was born from the need...
214,63351,220bio-polyploid-toolsRepository of tools developed at Crop Genetics in JIC to work with polyploid wheat
339,82051,220bio-polymarker_db_batchServer for polymarker. To be used with cron
499,66951,220bio-samtools-serverA minimal web service on the top of sinatra to query bam files
5109,98051,220bio-pangenomeTools to find similarity between pangenomes.
6135,63651,220bio-faidxools to work with fasta files, indexed with samtools. The initial releases depend on bi...
7136,52129,512bio-blat-toolsTools to manipulate blat files from the command line. Uses the Bio::Blat object from Bi...
8142,70951,220bio-kallistoBasic wrapper for the Kallistio Mapper