1 | 3,951 | 3,433 | git-pr-release | git-pr-release creates a pull request which summarizes feature branches that are to be ... |
2 | 6,261 | 7,374 | onkcop | OnkCop is a RuboCop configration gem. |
3 | 10,778 | 14,438 | shibaraku | Manage model with a period on ActiveRecord. |
4 | 12,820 | 41,916 | activerecord-turntable | ActiveRecord sharding extension |
5 | 25,938 | 30,305 | rack-request_time | Rack middleware for using consistent time in request. |
6 | 32,176 | 63,432 | barrage | Distributed id generator |
7 | 62,968 | 63,432 | activerecord-quiet_schema_version | Turns off Rails DB schema version. |
8 | 138,899 | 63,432 | termpic | Display images in terminal. |
9 | 158,891 | 63,432 | activerecord-always_reset_column_information | Call Model.reset_column_information for each migrations |
10 | 162,156 | 41,916 | rack-remove_bs_char | rack middleware to remove 0x08(�). 0x08 is easily inserted in japanese FEP of Mac OSX. |