Bartosz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
196113hashieHashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.
25,1913,466json5JSON5 parser in Ruby
329,08365,653app_konfigLightweight app configuration for Rails
432,13324,075hipbotHipbot is a XMPP bot for HipChat, written in Ruby with EventMachine.
539,54111,073whenever-webRails based web GUI for managing Whenever Cron jobs
655,955108,042xmpp4r-hipchatHipChat / Slack XMPP Client
771,22118,003oclintOClint Ruby wrapper
883,77865,653hipbot-pluginsHipbot sample plugins
9105,93565,653guardfileBetter Guardfile syntax
10136,471108,042iosiOS Continuous Integration
11138,87665,653dupaWrite a longer description. Optional.
12146,27865,653gmail-apiRuby wrapper for Gmail API
13152,261108,042preinitializerConfig preinitializer
14153,28465,653ghstatsFetching GitHub stats