Riddopic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,66415,711hoodieA collection of hipster methods and hoodie tools to make even the nerdy rubyist look cool.
231,998147,291delphixA REST client for interacting with Delphix Appliance.
343,34433,052garcunA useful collection of methods to make cooking more fun
454,719147,291chef_stashChef Key/value stash cache hash objects store.
557,34371,169croesusRuby REST client for Delphix virtual database appliance
685,33271,169vagrant-lubeVarious Vagrant helpers.
7105,87684,493socketlockA gem for doing concurrency locks using a TCP port.
8112,546147,291central-devtoolsShared development tasks for project Central Machine
9157,315107,887healthinspectorShared Rake tasks for HealthStack projects
10158,824147,291central-cliCentral command line tool
11159,636147,291clone.ioGenetically identical images that reproduce asexually.