1 | 5,024 | 3,989 | clamav-client | ClamAV::Client connects to a Clam Anti-Virus clam daemon and send commands. |
2 | 5,997 | 9,357 | activevalidators | ActiveValidators is a collection of ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validations |
3 | 16,350 | 61,367 | biceps | Create a versioned API with rails |
4 | 29,970 | 11,504 | tweetnacl | TweetNaCl is a C-extension built on top of the official TweetNaCl distribution |
5 | 40,528 | 18,157 | blake2 | BLAKE2 is a C-extension for using BLAKE2s in Ruby |
6 | 54,044 | 23,402 | oauned | Rails Engine to be an Oauth Provider |
7 | 85,319 | 61,367 | rom-git | Git adapter for the rom-rb |
8 | 106,058 | 29,456 | no_querying_views | No more querying views in your Rails apps |
9 | 111,216 | 61,367 | bmmlexporter | Bmmlexporter provides simple Balsamiq Mockup .bmml files exporting features. |
10 | 114,683 | 41,086 | rb_import | Add an import method to your Ruby VM |
11 | 119,497 | 61,367 | wf | wf makes it very easy to define your own workflow and tools (SCM, ticket manager, ...) |
12 | 121,741 | 61,367 | gendarme | Gendarme checks for preconditions and postrelations on the methods you want it to. |
13 | 124,131 | 41,086 | paybox | Payment Gateway to Paybox's services |
14 | 128,887 | 61,367 | dependency_revealer | Reveals all the dependencies given a Gemfile |
15 | 130,946 | 61,367 | arnoldc.rb | arnoldc Ruby implementation |
16 | 151,287 | 61,367 | yamlsh | yamlsh - a YAML editor |