1 | 7,584 | 12,493 | rspec_n | A ruby gem that runs RSpec N times. |
2 | 35,897 | 28,793 | rspec_starter | A Ruby gem that helps run RSpec in a standard manner. |
3 | 39,894 | 24,968 | format_restricter_rails | A Rails Engine that restricts the formats that your Rails controller actions are allowe... |
4 | 45,147 | 35,920 | rubocop_plus | Enhancements to the standard rubocop gem. |
5 | 47,084 | 86,038 | corelib | "Many languages provide a vast library of methods or functions for developers to use, w... |
6 | 61,208 | 53,556 | corelib_ruby | Useful extensions to ruby core. |
7 | 65,253 | 126,227 | baseball_calc | Sample GEM for analyzing and calcuating baseball facts from CSV files of data |
8 | 86,268 | 42,025 | autorequire_rails | A Rails engine that requires all ruby files in lib/autorequire when a Rails app boots. |
9 | 175,368 | 86,038 | super_seed | A better way to seed Ruby on Rails applications. |