Awebb's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,34931,663corlFramework that provides a simple foundation for growing organically in the cloud
214,84086,038coral_coreThis gem has been depreciated in favor of corl ( D...
317,14831,663nucleonA framework that provides a simple foundation for building Ruby applications that are: ...
428,42586,038coral_vagrantThis gem has been depreciated in favor of corl ( D...
557,02086,038cmPluggable cloud management framework that provides a simple foundation for deploying an...
664,00586,038coral_cloudThis gem has been depreciated in favor of corl ( D...
764,50186,038coral_planThis gem has been depreciated in favor of corl ( D...
8100,03886,038coral== coral This gem is simply a meta package that installs and requires the CORL gem. N...