Zuazo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,88963,432chef-encrypted-attributesChef plugin to add Node encrypted attributes support using client keys
27,57863,432chef-handler-snsChef report handler to send Amazon SNS notifications on failures or changes, includes I...
317,97619,893dockerspecA small gem to run RSpec, Serverspec, Infrataster and Capybara tests against Dockerfile...
418,12863,432specinfra-backend-docker_lxcServerspec / Specinfra backend for Docker LXC execution driver.
518,55463,432specinfra-backend-docker_composeServerspec / Specinfra backend for Docker Compose.
679,00263,432chef-handler-zookeeperChef report handler to send notifications to Zookeeper about Chef runs.
7157,49163,432specinfra-backend-docker_nsenterServerspec / Specinfra backend for Docker nsenter execution driver.