1 | 4,802 | 7,701 | i18n-recursive-lookup | Provides a backend to the i18n gem to allow a definition to contain embedded references... |
2 | 13,148 | 24,223 | dalliance | Background processing for ActiveRecord using a 'delayable' worker and a state_machine |
3 | 20,215 | 15,767 | has_siblings | parent.children.where.not(id: self.id), extended to n parents |
4 | 27,237 | 17,950 | her-webmock | Easier request stubbing for Her::Model with webmock. |
5 | 27,536 | 66,011 | acts_as_span | ActiveRecord model w/ a start_date and an end_date == ActsAsSpan |
6 | 119,314 | 107,996 | agilityjs-rails | AgilityJS as a gem. Check out http://agilityjs.com/ for more information! |