1 | 1,930 | 2,147 | saml_idp | SAML IdP (Identity Provider) Library for Ruby |
2 | 5,529 | 8,501 | active_zuora | ActiveZuora - Zuora API based on ActiveModel and auto-generated from your zuora.wsdl. |
3 | 10,780 | 30,535 | hubstats | Github Statistics |
4 | 11,661 | 66,923 | newrelic-typhoeus | Newrelic instrumentation for Typhoeus |
5 | 13,284 | 35,214 | opsicle | CLI for the opsworks platform |
6 | 13,696 | 6,132 | enumerated_field | EnumeratedField is a library that provides some nice methods when a string column is us... |
7 | 16,632 | 66,923 | octopolo | A set of GitHub workflow scripts. |
8 | 17,555 | 43,406 | ical_importer | Easily import iCal Events from a URL and handle their output |
9 | 19,620 | 66,923 | find_as_hashes | Provides ActiveRecord methods to return results as attribute hashes rather than instant... |
10 | 23,023 | 26,806 | sport_ngin_aws_auditor | Helps with AWS configuration |
11 | 30,644 | 43,406 | hasoffers | Implementation of the HasOffers API for affiliate advertising. |
12 | 31,177 | 15,446 | rolypoly | Tools for handling per-action and per-app Role authorization |
13 | 31,683 | 66,923 | queuel | Light Queue wrapper tool |
14 | 31,958 | 35,214 | brew-gem | This gem can be installed with "brew install brew-gem" and used to install gems with "b... |
15 | 37,087 | 13,910 | active_mongoid | ActiveMongoid facilitates usage of both ActiveRecord and Mongoid in a single app by pro... |
16 | 39,069 | 66,923 | blueline_services | The blueline_services gem is a ruby gem used for
submitting backgr... |
17 | 39,950 | 66,923 | m2m_fast_insert | Fast Inserts for Rails Many to Many relations |
18 | 43,153 | 66,923 | delayed_job_loner | Gem that adds the ability to prevent duplicate delayed jobs from being created. |
19 | 47,545 | 66,923 | api_mailer | A simple replication of ActionMailer for API based mailing that doesn't require the mai... |
20 | 49,443 | 66,923 | mail_male_mail | extend actionmailer to work with multiple mail providers |
21 | 50,951 | 66,923 | soyuz | Soyuz is the deployment toolkit that glues all of your deployment pipeline together |
22 | 57,817 | 24,362 | typhoid | A lightweight ORM-like wrapper around Typhoeus |
23 | 76,943 | 66,923 | okcomputer-newrelic-ignore | If you use Ok Computer for uptime checks and pings, use this to avoid it affecting New ... |
24 | 77,582 | 10,499 | enum_for_what | Allows your Rails models and views to take advantage of MySQL's' native ENUM type
Origi... |
25 | 78,161 | 66,923 | sync_client | SyncClient is an interface for synchronizing attributes between services.
It provid... |
26 | 93,974 | 66,923 | octopolo-plugin-example | Use for testing and as a base for octopolo plugins |
27 | 95,266 | 66,923 | linkshare | Ruby library to interface with Linkshare report and product apis. Forked from Ian Ehler... |
28 | 102,581 | 35,214 | resque_sliding_window | Sliding Window unique-job workflow for Resque jobs |
29 | 138,602 | 66,923 | pagoid | Standardize paging abstraction |
30 | 141,999 | 66,923 | axel | Building blocks and general helpers for platform services |
31 | 154,668 | 66,923 | newrelic_deployment | Records Deployment in Newrelic |
32 | 154,947 | 66,923 | omniauth-sportngin | Sport Ngin strategy for OmniAuth |