Relrod's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,7648,999bing_translatorTranslate strings using the Bing HTTP API. Requires that you have a Client ID and Secre...
240,80722,402urbanterrorProvides a class to access and control Urban Terror servers via RCON over UDP.
344,24292,615callsignProvides a simple Ruby interface to the API by Joshua Dick, W1JDD.
482,50297,623ansircAn extremely simple library to convert between ANSI and IRC color codes.
5100,03997,623datagrepperProvides an interface via HTTParty to Fedora's Datagrepper API: https://apps.fedoraproj...
6120,74197,623bpci*** bpci is a *fork* of cijoe ( *** cijoe is a si...