Timfjord's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,5213,591i18n-active_recordI18n ActiveRecord backend. Allows to store translations in a database using ActiveRecor...
24,6054,939carrierwave-data-uriCarrierwave plugin that allows create image from data uri
39,2299,476carrierwave-serializableCarrierwave plugin that allow mount uploader to serialized field
446,57021,830i18n-regionRegion support for i18n ruby gem
547,96466,440i18n-transformersTransformers for I18n ruby library
653,98524,070two-way-mapperTwo way data mapping
788,03266,440socicon-railsan asset gemification of the socicon icon font library
898,15624,070aws-srpAWS Cognito SRP Utility
9134,203108,739capyspyMock js objects with capybara
10144,482108,739carddavCardDAV ruby implementation