1 | 3,522 | 3,366 | i18n-active_record | I18n ActiveRecord backend. Allows to store translations in a database using ActiveRecor... |
2 | 4,604 | 5,137 | carrierwave-data-uri | Carrierwave plugin that allows create image from data uri |
3 | 9,267 | 10,900 | carrierwave-serializable | Carrierwave plugin that allow mount uploader to serialized field |
4 | 46,700 | 26,008 | i18n-region | Region support for i18n ruby gem |
5 | 48,173 | 69,639 | i18n-transformers | Transformers for I18n ruby library |
6 | 53,978 | 20,862 | two-way-mapper | Two way data mapping |
7 | 88,073 | 37,317 | socicon-rails | an asset gemification of the socicon icon font library |
8 | 98,066 | 26,008 | aws-srp | AWS Cognito SRP Utility |
9 | 134,362 | 69,639 | capyspy | Mock js objects with capybara |
10 | 144,509 | 69,639 | carddav | CardDAV ruby implementation |