Splittingred's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7442,325grufgRPC Ruby Framework for building complex gRPC applications at scale
24,0003,464gruf-rspecRSpec assistance library for gruf, including testing helpers
37,62025,716gruf-newrelicPlugin for New Relic for gruf
49,5688,577omniauth-bigcommerceOfficial OmniAuth strategy for BigCommerce.
510,97111,055bc-lightstep-rubyGem for lightstep distributed tracing
611,20910,745bc-prometheus-rubySimple integration of ruby and puma servers with prometheus
711,67410,745gruf-prometheusPrometheus support for gruf
812,40611,055gruf-commanderCommand/request syntax helper for gruf
912,51710,892gruf-lightstepPlugin for lightstep tracing for gruf
1012,52810,620bigcommerce-multitrapAllows Signal.trap to have multiple callbacks
1113,5428,886gruf-sentryAutomatically report gruf failures as sentry errors
1213,88461,367kag-gatherA bot for starting and managing KAG Gather matches
1325,53312,065gruf-balancerAllows for percentage-based balancing of gruf client calls
1427,89910,030bc-settingslogicA simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a...
1538,17021,627gruf-profilerAdds memory reporting and rbtrace to gruf servers
1652,00541,086gruf-zipkinPlugin for zipkin tracing for gruf
1757,84161,367splittingredShaun McCormick's resume in gem form
1859,43761,367kageratorEasy, quick consumption and reading of the King Arthur's Gold Public API
19132,10861,367gruf-circuit-breakerPlugin for implementing the circuit breaker pattern for gruf gRPC requests