Ubpb's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,53051,220metacrunchData processing and ETL toolkit for Ruby
239,23451,220metacrunch-mab2MAB2 tools for metacrunch
341,13551,220metacrunch-elasticsearchElasticsearch package for the metacrunch ETL toolkit.
443,16829,512mabmapperMabmapper is a powerful and extendable processing engine to normalize any kind of i...
553,70551,220celsiusCommon Library Search Interface
659,47529,512metacrunch-fileFile package for the metacrunch ETL toolkit.
764,66829,512celsius-primoGeneric primo celsius adapter
883,68551,220skalaRuby on Rails based full-stack framework to build discovery solutions for libraries.
988,25551,220celsius-primo_ubpbUbpb specific primo celsius adapter
10104,96951,220metacrunch-redisRedis package for the metacrunch ETL toolkit.
11111,39813,443alma_apiA Ruby client library for the Ex Libris Alma REST APIs
12119,26651,220metacrunch-marcxmlMARCXML package for the metacrunch ETL toolkit.
13125,81751,220metacrunch-dbDatabase package for the metacrunch ETL toolkit.
14126,08051,220celsius-coreCommon Library Search Interface - core components