1 | 4,545 | 4,124 | slack-notify | Send notifications to a Slack channel |
2 | 5,774 | 9,506 | capistrano-unicorn | Capistrano plugin that integrates Unicorn server tasks. |
3 | 8,121 | 8,465 | xml-sitemap | Provides a wrapper to generate XML sitemaps and sitemap indexes. |
4 | 9,490 | 86,038 | munin-ruby | Munin Node client |
5 | 9,580 | 24,968 | net-ssh-session | Shell interface with helper methods to work with Net::SSH connections |
6 | 9,942 | 6,548 | rack-revision | Adds an extra X-REVISION header with source code revision string (git, svn, etc) |
7 | 12,018 | 9,470 | mail_extract | Email body parser that strips out all quotes and signatures. |
8 | 13,700 | 7,991 | goodreads | Simple wrapper for the Goodreads API |
9 | 20,162 | 16,697 | grooveshark | Unofficial ruby library for consuming the Grooveshark API. |
10 | 22,542 | 86,038 | shuttle-deploy | Minimalistic deployment tool for small and one-server applications |
11 | 34,999 | 86,038 | docify | Docify provides a command line tool to render documentation files (RDoc, Markdown, Text... |
12 | 36,320 | 21,532 | magnum-payload | Parse code pushes from multiple code hosting platforms |
13 | 46,237 | 26,609 | lxc-ruby | Ruby wrapper to manage LXC (Linux Containers). |
14 | 50,439 | 86,038 | pastie-api | Simple API and shell access to Pastie.org |
15 | 58,540 | 86,038 | app-config | Flexible and simple configuration settings for your Rails/Sinatra applications. |
16 | 68,101 | 86,038 | build_log_parser | Parses various build metrics from builds logs (Rspec, Test::Unit, etc) |
17 | 68,203 | 86,038 | arrow_payments | Ruby wrapper for ArrowPayments gateway |
18 | 68,214 | 86,038 | dependenci | API wrapper for dependenci.com |
19 | 68,668 | 86,038 | capistrano-payload | Capistrano plugin that delivers JSON payload to the specified URL |
20 | 70,218 | 86,038 | terminal_helpers | Collection of helper methods for terminal applications |
21 | 73,075 | 86,038 | codescout-analyzer | No description for now, maybe later |
22 | 76,907 | 86,038 | reckless | Ruby client to Chicago's records store Reckless.com http://reckless.com |
23 | 77,467 | 86,038 | git_handler | Library to handle git requests over SSH |
24 | 80,052 | 86,038 | snatchdb | Remote database downloader |
25 | 80,567 | 86,038 | apple_push | Sinatra-based server to deliver Apple Push Notifications |
26 | 81,832 | 86,038 | fakemail | Provides a fake sendmail binary to store email output for email dubugging purposes. |
27 | 95,747 | 86,038 | rscale | Image scaling wrapper based on ImageMagick console utils |
28 | 117,449 | 86,038 | debugserver | Console server to provide debugging for web/any applications |
29 | 118,962 | 86,038 | crash_hook | Rack middleware to notify HTTP endpoint with application notifications |
30 | 121,050 | 86,038 | slacklet-store | Key value store for Slacklet |
31 | 128,347 | 53,556 | proxie | Proxie is a HTTP proxy server with sqlite-powered storage and web interface for debugging. |
32 | 143,628 | 86,038 | codescout-runner | No description for now, maybe later |
33 | 143,628 | 86,038 | ecsutil | TBD |
34 | 154,185 | 86,038 | rack-norris | Meh |