Sosedoff's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,5454,124slack-notifySend notifications to a Slack channel
25,7749,506capistrano-unicornCapistrano plugin that integrates Unicorn server tasks.
38,1218,465xml-sitemapProvides a wrapper to generate XML sitemaps and sitemap indexes.
49,49086,038munin-rubyMunin Node client
59,58024,968net-ssh-sessionShell interface with helper methods to work with Net::SSH connections
69,9426,548rack-revisionAdds an extra X-REVISION header with source code revision string (git, svn, etc)
712,0189,470mail_extractEmail body parser that strips out all quotes and signatures.
813,7007,991goodreadsSimple wrapper for the Goodreads API
920,16216,697groovesharkUnofficial ruby library for consuming the Grooveshark API.
1022,54286,038shuttle-deployMinimalistic deployment tool for small and one-server applications
1134,99986,038docifyDocify provides a command line tool to render documentation files (RDoc, Markdown, Text...
1236,32021,532magnum-payloadParse code pushes from multiple code hosting platforms
1346,23726,609lxc-rubyRuby wrapper to manage LXC (Linux Containers).
1450,43986,038pastie-apiSimple API and shell access to
1558,54086,038app-configFlexible and simple configuration settings for your Rails/Sinatra applications.
1668,10186,038build_log_parserParses various build metrics from builds logs (Rspec, Test::Unit, etc)
1768,20386,038arrow_paymentsRuby wrapper for ArrowPayments gateway
1868,21486,038dependenciAPI wrapper for
1968,66886,038capistrano-payloadCapistrano plugin that delivers JSON payload to the specified URL
2070,21886,038terminal_helpersCollection of helper methods for terminal applications
2173,07586,038codescout-analyzerNo description for now, maybe later
2276,90786,038recklessRuby client to Chicago's records store
2377,46786,038git_handlerLibrary to handle git requests over SSH
2480,05286,038snatchdbRemote database downloader
2580,56786,038apple_pushSinatra-based server to deliver Apple Push Notifications
2681,83286,038fakemailProvides a fake sendmail binary to store email output for email dubugging purposes.
2795,74786,038rscaleImage scaling wrapper based on ImageMagick console utils
28117,44986,038debugserverConsole server to provide debugging for web/any applications
29118,96286,038crash_hookRack middleware to notify HTTP endpoint with application notifications
30121,05086,038slacklet-storeKey value store for Slacklet
31128,34753,556proxieProxie is a HTTP proxy server with sqlite-powered storage and web interface for debugging.
32143,62886,038codescout-runnerNo description for now, maybe later