1 | 45,375 | 86,038 | tufy | Parses data into Transunion-specific data format |
2 | 55,154 | 86,038 | catch_cache | Catches ruby objects and caches them |
3 | 55,961 | 86,038 | active_model_serializers_contrib | Modules/classes that extend AMS with more functionality |
4 | 65,662 | 86,038 | check_and_notify | Calls a callback regularly and notifies when it returns true |
5 | 74,218 | 86,038 | neilin-rails | social share on text highlight |
6 | 111,763 | 86,038 | touch_touch | Know what ActiveRecord objects touched by another |
7 | 162,192 | 86,038 | switch_searchable | Manages different search engines in a Rails app |