Sdalu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,13841,086virtualbox-comLow level VirtualBox binding using native code
265,93961,367bleAllow access to Bluetooth Low Energy device from ruby
386,99161,367hubicManage your Hubic account from Ruby
4104,40161,367sinatra-wantedEase processing of parameters in Sinatra framework. Integrates well with dry-types, seq...
5107,08261,367easy-uuidUUID library for Ruby
6111,06861,367crazyflie-zmqControl Crazyflie via ZMQ protocol
7138,68733,893lomCreation of mapping between ldap entry and ruby object. Allowing easy retrieval of info...
8139,49661,367easy-passwordEase password creation by allowing: * password generation * password weakness checking ...
9163,65761,367ruby-tadoAccess to Tado API
10165,05261,367uclRead configuration file in UCL format (binding to the libucl).
11167,39661,367face-no-moreGenerate avatars from artwork assets. Included 5 different types of artwork: cat, bird,...
12167,63361,367ssh-publickeyConvert SSH public key from/to RFC4716/OpenSSH format
13173,20861,367rom-distilleryHelp organise emulation ROM using DAT file
14175,11361,367simple-dataAn alternative to CSV format for storing data. Provides metadata and field description ...
15175,54661,367chdOpen MAME CHD file.
16177,22961,367circeFace and object recognition
17183,30161,367exsysProvide command support to control ExSYS Managed USB hub.