Pjs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,98043,406aliastableIf a categorical distribution has k distinct values, traditional approaches will requir...
266,48166,923datafarmingRuby scripts for data farming, including pre- andpost-processing, design generation and...
367,33966,923fwtImplements Hadamard- and sequency-ordered Fast Walsh Transforms as extensions of class ...
476,65719,773random_variatesRandom variate generators implemented with Enumerator.
578,45966,923quickstatsThis class uses Kalman Filter updating to tally sample mean and sum of squared deviatio...
6109,13930,535simplekitThis is a minimal discrete event simulation scheduling algorithm for educational use.
7132,15043,406skewheapThis is a skew heap algorithm for educational use.
8177,28866,923xoroshiroPort of Xoroshiro256** PRNG to a ruby C-extension.