Jdoconnor's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,41063,432simplecov-reporterReport the simplecov coverage data to a server
255,97541,916napa_paginationA simple pagination representer for Napa
386,46463,432consul_apiRuby wrapper for Consul V1 API
495,82163,432service_templateAn opiniated lib and generator for building APIs with Grape
598,41363,432fluent-plugin-https-jsonFluentd output plugin to buffer logs as json arrays to a url
6102,00463,432crud_clientEasy connections to APIs
7126,46863,432babsClient for a request response (synchronous) pattern using RabbitMQ.
8141,40463,432napa_rabbit_publisherThis provides an easy to use library with an AMQP Singleton for connecting and sending ...
9146,13141,916rosette-coreCore classes for the Rosette internationalization platform.