Eldigital's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
124,84386,038smart_searchSmartSearch adds full-text search functions to ActiveRecord running with MySQL, includi...
226,81842,025friendly_extensionsAdds serveral cool features to your Ruby classes. Includes new features for Array, Stri...
343,21086,038scribble_cmsEasy-to-use tool for placing user-editable content in your pages
458,17286,038generic_resourcesUse just one Controller to CRUD all your resources instead of having lots of scaffold c...
574,44386,038permalinkerGenerate permalink attributes on ActiveRecord, based on Permalink gem by Nando Vieira
687,20986,038friends_ajax_coreAll the AJAX Functions used in SmartConcepts etc....
797,07935,920jqajax_core2Designed to provide an easy, clean and flexible solution to keep Rails 3+ AJAX handling...
8103,59386,038dolan_spaekAdd Dolan Speak to Ruby
9106,72386,038smart_listEasy to use list behavior for ActiveRecord models, includes grouping of items by column...
10128,91386,038captain_hooksallow to extend existing views within gems or external modules by added view hooks in y...
11162,56186,038bootyboxContains serveral elements based on the bootstrap framework for the Alchemy CMS System