Crohr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2673,879sysloggerSame as SyslogLogger, but without the ridiculous number of dependencies and with the po...
25,2837,701rack-jsonpA Rack middleware for providing JSON-P support.
36,27510,269rest-client-componentsRestClient on steroids ! Easily add one or more Rack middleware around RestClient to ad...
48,25269,238restfullyConsume RESTful APIs effortlessly
512,09717,962pkgrSimplify the deployment of your applications by automatically packaging your applicatio...
641,71569,238sinatra-rest-helpersA set of helpers for sinatra apps that expose REST resources.
745,07769,238restfully-addonsAddons for Restfully
845,67469,238sinatra-rest-addonsA set of helpers and extensions for sinatra apps that expose REST resources.
945,98051,580rack-accept-header-updaterA Rack middleware for automatically removing file extensions from URIs, and update the ...
1047,85143,643docapiRDoc template for generating API documentation.
1150,56933,989cacheabilityTransparent caching for your HTTP requests (heap, file, memcache). Built-in support for...
1259,91669,238parsing-utilsSome classes useful for parsing matters (especially to select a parser based on a given...
1366,44238,135annoying-wifiAnnoying wifi login - simplified
1480,97043,643bfireLaunch experiments on BonFIRE
1584,29269,238g5k-graphGraph your Grid'5000 metrics
16119,78769,238rack-async2syncA Rack middleware that transforms async requests (using thin + async_sinatra for exampl...
17136,02069,238iroquoisIroquois !
18141,73769,238pkgr-deb-s3Easily create and manage an APT repository on S3.