1 | 203 | 210 | temple | Template compilation framework in Ruby |
2 | 226 | 305 | haml | An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine. |
3 | 624 | 153 | reline | Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby. |
4 | 666 | 158 | irb | Interactive Ruby command-line tool for REPL (Read Eval Print Loop). |
5 | 1,007 | 743 | hamlit | High Performance Haml Implementation |
6 | 2,219 | 1,287 | zlib | Ruby interface for the zlib compression/decompression library |
7 | 2,740 | 1,424 | erb | An easy to use but powerful templating system for Ruby. |
8 | 3,161 | 4,293 | hamlit-rails | hamlit-rails provides generators for Rails 4. |
9 | 3,352 | 4,663 | rack-user_agent | Rack::Request extension for handling User-Agent. |
10 | 4,423 | 4,573 | rspec-openapi | Generate OpenAPI from RSpec request specs |
11 | 5,839 | 8,353 | benchmark_driver | Fully-featured accurate benchmark driver for Ruby |
12 | 8,321 | 9,212 | expeditor | Expeditor provides asynchronous execution and fault tolerance for microservices |
13 | 9,400 | 12,065 | activerecord-precounter | Yet Another N+1 COUNT Query Killer for ActiveRecord |
14 | 10,781 | 41,086 | itamae-plugin-recipe-rbenv | Itamae plugin to install ruby with rbenv |
15 | 10,881 | 13,506 | benchmark-driver | Alias gem to install benchmark_driver.gem |
16 | 13,073 | 61,367 | activerecord-precount | N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord |
17 | 14,408 | 41,086 | rebuild | This gem allows you to achieve mouse-free command line tools installation in OSX Yosemi... |
18 | 14,463 | 61,367 | raven-transports-fluentd | Send error logs to sentry via fluentd. |
19 | 15,442 | 41,086 | barbeque | Job queue system to run job with Docker |
20 | 17,598 | 10,496 | md2key | Convert markdown to keynote |
21 | 18,631 | 18,157 | cells-hamlit2 | Temporary Hamlit integration for Cells |
22 | 20,170 | 61,367 | barbeque_client | Barbeque client for Ruby |
23 | 29,856 | 61,367 | lineprof | Easy-to-use line profiler for Ruby. |
24 | 33,323 | 61,367 | benchmark_driver-output-rubybench | benchmark_driver plugin to output result to RubyBench |
25 | 34,569 | 17,333 | hamlit-block | Hamlit extension to support capturing via yield |
26 | 42,233 | 61,367 | activerecord-count_loader | N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord |
27 | 42,362 | 61,367 | itamae-plugin-resource-cask | Itamae resource plugin to manage homebrew cask packages. |
28 | 44,663 | 61,367 | ghq-cache | Show frequently used repositories first in ghq list. |
29 | 45,876 | 41,086 | hocho | Server provisioning tool with itamae |
30 | 46,005 | 61,367 | dotremap | This gem is moved to karabiner gem. https://github.com/k0kubun/karabiner-dsl |
31 | 46,968 | 61,367 | activerecord-has_count | N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord |
32 | 51,200 | 61,367 | karabiner | Lightweight keyremap configuration DSL for Karabiner |
33 | 52,121 | 61,367 | deadline | Manage deadlines of your tasks and show timer for you |
34 | 52,161 | 61,367 | hamlit-boolean_attributes | Hamlit plugin to modify boolean attributes |
35 | 58,445 | 61,367 | libx11 | Ruby binding of libx11 mostly for xlib |
36 | 59,641 | 61,367 | itamae-plugin-recipe-docker | Itamae recipe plugin to install Docker. |
37 | 62,977 | 61,367 | stackflame | Stackflame provides a simple API to deal with Flamegraph of stackprof. |
38 | 63,273 | 61,367 | itamae-template | Itamae template generater for roles and cookbooks. |
39 | 75,082 | 61,367 | wrap-bootstrap-rails | Rails plugin generator for Wrap Bootstrap design templates |
40 | 78,633 | 23,402 | perf | A gem to use Linux perf easily |
41 | 80,543 | 61,367 | benchmark_driver-output-gruff | Show graph on benchmark_driver using gruff.gem |
42 | 91,807 | 61,367 | dwarftree | A wrapper of `objdump --dwarf=info` to visualize a structure of inlined subroutines |
43 | 92,402 | 61,367 | sqldef | Idempotent MySQL/PostgreSQL schema management by SQL |
44 | 101,398 | 61,367 | ruby-builder | Build ruby binaries per revision under rbenv directory |
45 | 105,166 | 33,893 | hescape | Fast HTML escape utility |
46 | 107,121 | 61,367 | tomodachi | Automatic follow back tool with Twitter streaming API |
47 | 108,794 | 61,367 | rack-runtime_growth_forecast | A simple Rack middleware to post X-Runtime to GrowthForecast |
48 | 109,053 | 61,367 | github_api-v4-client | A very thin GitHub GraphQL API v4 client |
49 | 109,881 | 61,367 | rack-stackprof | Periodically dump StackProf profile result to tmp directory with easy-to-understand fil... |
50 | 112,114 | 61,367 | ruby-color | ruby-color foo.rb |
51 | 114,434 | 61,367 | stackviz | This gem is a thin wrapper of stackprof and provides simple API to see profiling result... |
52 | 116,214 | 61,367 | serverkit-dotfiles | Serverkit plug-in for dotfiles. |
53 | 116,496 | 25,716 | mjit | Unofficial MJIT utilities |
54 | 124,029 | 61,367 | ajax_render | Rails plugin to render partial view by ajax |
55 | 125,566 | 61,367 | gem-default | Make an arbitrary gem a default gem |
56 | 128,117 | 61,367 | benchkit | Old implementation of benchmark_driver |
57 | 129,308 | 61,367 | each_with_rank | Rank iterator for Enumerable |
58 | 130,387 | 61,367 | ruboty-ghibli | Show a ghibli picture with Ruboty |
59 | 141,534 | 61,367 | spellcard | Find misspelled comment in your source code |
60 | 147,352 | 61,367 | sqldef-rails | Idempotent MySQL/PostgreSQL schema management by SQL |
61 | 148,972 | 61,367 | itamae-plugin-resource-ghq | Itamae resource plugin to manage repositories with ghq. |
62 | 155,493 | 61,367 | stackflame-client | Client for stackflame-web |
63 | 162,931 | 61,367 | erb-comment | ERB that supports <#-- comment --#> |
64 | 163,494 | 41,086 | llrb | LLRB is LLVM-based JIT compiler for Ruby. Note that this gem can be only installed to f... |
65 | 165,383 | 61,367 | rubyvm-frozencore | Expose RubyVM::FrozenCore |
66 | 165,710 | 61,367 | hamlit-opal | Opal support for Hamlit |
67 | 168,185 | 61,367 | sigcdump | Sigdump for C backtrace |
68 | 168,291 | 61,367 | haml-parser | Pladeholder for future haml-parser |
69 | 169,057 | 61,367 | xremap | Generate xremap config from Ruby |
70 | 170,666 | 61,367 | erb-indent | ERB that supports de-indentation |
71 | 153,484 | 50,512 | benchmark-runner | Runner sub component of benchmark_driver |
72 | 153,508 | 50,512 | benchmark-output | Output sub component of benchmark_driver |
73 | 153,508 | 50,512 | benchmark-profiler | Profiler sub component of benchmark_driver |
74 | 179,034 | 61,367 | yjit | RubyVM::YJIT.enable |
75 | 179,453 | 61,367 | erb-trim | ERB extension to add <%-= |
76 | 179,852 | 61,367 | rjit | utilities |