Nathanstitt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,65216,519guard-jasmineGuard::Jasmine automatically tests your Jasmine specs on PhantomJS
223,52366,923lanesLanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
338,44966,923jobbaRedis-based background job status tracking.
443,31243,406webpack_driverRun webpack and webpack-dev-server in a sub process. Autodetects the port, url and ass...
543,72466,923guard-jestGuard plugin for testing Javascript using the Jest test runner
653,29243,406liquid_assetsA rails engine that supports writing both server and client side templates in Liqud markup
754,65243,406stockorStockor is a complete ERP system that includes billing, inventory, and customer management
857,82143,406hippo-fwHippo is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...
974,60043,406erb_latexApplies ERB template processing to a Latex file and compiles it to a PDF. Supports lay...
1080,84166,923knitterWraps the Javascript "yarn" command; query and install Javascript packages from Ruby. ...
11115,64466,923pdfiumRuby bindings for Google's PDFium project. It supports extracting text and images from...
12138,49722,483openstax_transaction_retryRetries database transaction on deadlock and transaction serialization errors. Supports...