Mudasobwa's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,85312,135dry-behaviourThis library makes it easy to declare protocols and use in in functional way.
214,89335,920dry-mutationsMutations gem interface implemented with `dry-rb`’s validation schemas.
317,1869,004iteraptorAdds several methods similar to Enumerable’s iterators to where it is included.
418,30953,556see_as_veeLoad CSV/XLSX, check it, format it and spit it back to the user with a single command.
520,61313,550kungfuigConfig with goodnesses.
623,55312,408emilerThis library is kinda analogue of Jaro-Winkler distance between two emails.
728,99418,833kantox-chronoscopeAllows to easy and quick profile method calls during rspec execution.
841,94586,038mutations-validate-outcomeCheck mutations outcome when it’s a hash using the same techniques as the core mutation...
959,15486,038typogrowthGem provides string monkeypatches to typograph strings
1066,15653,556qipowlMultipurpose DSL-based pure text parser.
1172,67986,038workflow-joinWorkflow extension that allows to fork workflows with other workflows and join them at ...
1280,25528,793logrithmSome improvements to standard logger, such as detailed colored logger messages etc.
1387,81286,038rmagick-screwdriversCreating collages, demotivators and other handy stuff with RMagick
1496,05312,493astonHash/JSON is not isomorphic to XML, unless produced with this library
15104,56986,038yard-benchYARD plugin, which adds a benchmarking results to YARDoc
16107,54686,038emoninjaWe parse up-to-date OMG standard for unicode emojis and replace words in texts with r...
17109,47186,038forkforgePure ruby implementation of Unicode manipulations as by Consortium. Includes: langu...
18120,40486,038transdealThis library is supposed to simplify rolling back transactions, preserving some data st...
19134,64586,038crochetsEasy setting of hook chains on Ruby methods calls in rubtime
20138,25853,556itudesUtility library to simplify dealing with multitudes
21159,84653,556kantox-splitThis gem is extremely useful while in process of migration to another data source.
22161,16653,556kantox-rolesRoles Management interface for virtually every backend, mostly like OmniAuth for authen...