Rorlab's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,9023,591summernote-railsThis gem packages the editor Summernote for Rails' assets pipeline
26,6955,102bootstrap-tagsinput-railsTo gemify bootstrap-tagsinput for assets pipleline
340,58835,616superfish-railsGemify Superfish jquery plugin for rails asset pipeline
442,77040,936slimbox2-railsGemify Slimbox2 to use with Rails 3.1 asset pipeline
556,30825,563fontawesome5-railsGemify Fontawesome 5 version and some helper method for Rails asset pipeline.
6136,80466,011jmenu-railsjMenu jquery plugin for rails
7145,928107,996tui_editor-railsWithout bower installation, you can use tui-editor