1 | 11,826 | 19,101 | paxmex | This gem is a parser for American Express transaction reconciliation files. |
2 | 12,672 | 61,367 | comply | Validate your ActiveRecord models on the client, showing their error and success messag... |
3 | 13,212 | 61,367 | bitfield_flags | Quickly add bitfield scopes to an active record model |
4 | 13,407 | 61,367 | bootstrap_haml_helpers | Convenient, clean wrappers for Twitter Bootstrap components and scaffolding. |
5 | 13,819 | 61,367 | redikey | Simplify creation of storage-efficient redis hash keys |
6 | 14,531 | 61,367 | txgh | A library for syncing translation resources between Github and Transifex. |
7 | 14,595 | 61,367 | i18n-instrument | Instrument calls to I18n.t in Ruby and JavaScript. |
8 | 14,928 | 61,367 | smoke_detector | Provides a single interface for posting errors to multiple error reporting providers (A... |
9 | 14,985 | 61,367 | scripterator | Script iterator for ActiveRecord models |
10 | 15,048 | 41,086 | resque-poll | A resque-based web poller |
11 | 16,806 | 61,367 | changes_are_logged | Tracks changes to your activerecord models |
12 | 17,580 | 61,367 | leanplum_api | Ruby-esque access to Leanplum API |
13 | 19,410 | 41,086 | broadside | A command-line tool for EC2 Container Service deployment. |
14 | 19,605 | 61,367 | activeadmin_globalize_inputs | Implementation of globalize_fields - ActiveRecord-friendly globalize helper for ActiveA... |
15 | 28,152 | 61,367 | txgh-server | An HTTP server for interacting with txgh. |
16 | 31,600 | 61,367 | aleph_analytics | The best way to develop and share queries/investigations/results within an analytics team |
17 | 32,344 | 61,367 | txbr | A library for syncing translation resources between Braze and Transifex. |
18 | 38,619 | 61,367 | txdb | An automation tool for translating database content with Transifex. |
19 | 40,163 | 61,367 | txgh-queue | Queue worker for processing Txgh webhooks. |
20 | 111,395 | 61,367 | campystrano | Adds before and after deploy hooks that announce a deploy's start and success in a Camp... |