1 | 1,120 | 1,434 | jekyll | Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator. |
2 | 1,279 | 1,486 | jekyll-sass-converter | A basic Sass converter for Jekyll. |
3 | 1,315 | 1,565 | mercenary | Lightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in Ruby. |
4 | 1,345 | 1,604 | jekyll-watch | Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes with the `--watch` switch. |
5 | 1,720 | 2,004 | jekyll-feed | A Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom feed of your Jekyll posts |
6 | 1,842 | 1,847 | jekyll-seo-tag | A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better i... |
7 | 1,877 | 2,055 | jekyll-sitemap | Automatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Jekyll site. |
8 | 1,993 | 2,259 | jekyll-paginate | Built-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll |
9 | 2,265 | 2,696 | minima | A beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll. |
10 | 2,313 | 2,765 | jekyll-redirect-from | Seamlessly specify multiple redirection URLs for your pages and posts |
11 | 2,384 | 3,121 | jekyll-gist | Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites. |
12 | 2,576 | 3,519 | jekyll-coffeescript | A CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll. |
13 | 2,598 | 2,991 | jemoji | GitHub-flavored emoji plugin for Jekyll |
14 | 2,725 | 2,941 | jekyll-github-metadata | The site.github namespace |
15 | 2,857 | 3,562 | jekyll-mentions | @mention support for your Jekyll site |
16 | 2,939 | 3,496 | jekyll-avatar | A Jekyll plugin for rendering GitHub avatars |
17 | 3,168 | 3,583 | jekyll-commonmark | CommonMark generator for Jekyll |
18 | 3,981 | 3,276 | classifier-reborn | A general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications. |
19 | 4,520 | 3,985 | jekyll-archives | Automatically generate post archives by dates, tags, and categories. |
20 | 8,125 | 7,057 | jekyll-compose | Streamline your writing in Jekyll with these commands. |
21 | 8,608 | 8,188 | failbot | ... |
22 | 10,207 | 11,129 | jekyll-import | Provides the Import command for Jekyll. |
23 | 15,496 | 31,663 | jekyll-textile-converter | Textile converter for Jekyll. |
24 | 16,440 | 14,473 | jekyll_test_plugin | A test plugin for Jekyll's 'gem' config option |
25 | 16,573 | 14,661 | jekyll_test_plugin_malicious | A malicious gem for Jekyll (for testing) |
26 | 17,592 | 12,813 | jekyll-docs | Offline usage documentation for Jekyll. |
27 | 26,962 | 17,852 | janky | Janky is a Continuous Integration server |
28 | 52,481 | 86,038 | plancast | Wrapper for the Plancast API |
29 | 75,072 | 31,663 | jekyll-opal | Let Jekyll convert your Ruby into JavaScript using Opal. |
30 | 85,141 | 86,038 | git-merge-pr | Merge a pull request on GitHub.com from the command-line. |