Hsgubert's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,39163,432cassandra_migrationsA gem to manage Cassandra database schema for Rails. This gem offers migrations and env...
219,17811,043rails-shardingThis gems allows you to easily create extra databases to your rails application, an...
327,03163,432turbolinks-formTurbolinks 5 extension to render form errors after a submit
437,09463,432inputmask-railsThis gem is a wrapper of Inputmask project, that allows you to include Inputmask in you...
549,83063,432smart_tableImplements tables with pagination and search for Rails, with server-side content loading.
651,29322,084taggleThis gem allows you to include Taggle.js in your Rails app, using the asset pipeline.
769,67263,432hola_hsgubertA simple hello world gem
872,96463,432spreadsheet_goodiesSpreadsheetGoodies is a collection of tools to help work with Excel and Google Drive sp...
9110,55041,916email_list_fieldThis gem provides helper functions that allows you to add email list fields to your for...
10141,97563,432color_paletteThis gem aims to be as simple as possible helping you to create palettes dynamically. N...
11169,98441,916ruby_machine_learningGem to build simple regressors and classifiers into your application, without necessari...